Give an F.

Give an F.

Social media

is ripe for


  • Estimated 80% of the creator economy is underserved and stifled by algorithms and platform agendas.

  • Connection, creativity, and posting burnout are sky-rocketing.

  • Creators want business autonomy.

  • User mental health is declining, causing a demand for user empowered content consumption.

Finally a solution.


“ Throughout history, every time something’s gotten better it’s because someone has come along and said, ‘This is stupid, we can do better.’ It’s the critics that drive improvement. It’s the critics that are the true optimist.” -Jaron Lanier

Join us as a true optimist. By donating you are helping us fund and launch The F Word! It's time for change, and we welcome you to be a part of it!

  • All backers who donate through THIS campaign become Founding Members of The F Word!